Education is for everybody

genU Training accesses state and federal government subsidies to keep learner costs competitive. How much you pay depends on your personal circumstances including where you live, the course you choose and your eligibility to access government subsidised training.

Fee options:

How much you pay depends on your personal circumstances, which may include:

  • Free or funded – If you meet the eligibility criteria and the course is government funded in your state. Funded places are at the discretion of genU Training.
  • Concession – For students who have a concession card from Centrelink or the Department of Veteran Affairs and meet the education and age criteria.
  • Standard – For Australian and New Zealand citizens or permanent residents who meet the education and age criteria.
  • Full fee (Fee for Service) – For anyone who does not meet the above criteria, and for courses that are not government funded.

In addition to tuition fees, some courses may have amenities or material fees. This information will be available on the individual course page if relevant.

Each learner’s circumstances will be considered and discussed at the time of your Pre-Training Review. genU Training encourages individuals with disabilities to apply.
Accredited Training Fees

Any Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or New Zealand citizen living in Victoria can now enrol in government-subsidised training regardless of their prior skills and qualifications.

Check your eligibility for Skills First funding.


Any Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or New Zealand citizen living in South Australia can now enrol in government-subsidised training regardless of their prior skills and qualifications if they meet the education and age criteria.

Check your eligibility for Skills SA funding



genU Training does not currently access government funding in ACT, QLD, NT or WA. Fee for Service applies in these states.

Government funding is available through the Smart and Skilled Program for eligible students on select courses.

Check your eligibility for the Smart and Skill Program


Government funding is available through the Skills Tasmania Program for eligible students on select courses. Eligibility criteria applies for both Jobseeker and Existing worker funding.

Check your eligibility


Fees for short courses, microcredentials and our Training U For Work courses are fee for service unless otherwise stated. Fees are listed on each course page.

How and when you pay depends on the type of course. Remember, if you have trouble making payments, meet with your Training Coordinator to arrange a payment plan.

Short courses for individuals (less than 2 weeks)

  • Total cost under $1,500 = full payment due with enrolment.
  • Total cost over $1,500 = $1,500 deposit due with enrolment. Balance due at the completion of the course.

Short courses for groups (less than 2 weeks)

  • Full payment due prior to commencement.

Long courses (more than 2 weeks)

  • Total cost under $100 = full payment due with enrolment.
  • Total cost over $100 = minimum $100 deposit or ten per cent of course fee (whichever is greater, maximum $1,500) due with enrolment. Balance due via direct debit payment plan instalments over the course duration.


If you believe you’re entitled to a refund, send a written request to your Training Coordinator or Training Manager using this Application for Refund of Training Fees form. Please allow 30 days for refunds to be processed. Your Training Coordinator or Training Manager can provide details about the status of your refund.

Refunds are available for short courses if:

✔️ Learner withdraws more than 7 days before the course commences. All fees refunded, less material costs (where provided).

Refunds are available for long courses if:

✔️ Learner withdraws more than 14 days before the course commences. All fees refunded, less material costs (where provided).

✔️ Learner withdraws less than 14 days before the course commences. All fees refunded, less a $100 administration fee and material costs (where provided).

✔️ Learner withdraws after the course commences. All fees refunded, less a $100 administration fee, material costs (where provided) and pro rata tuition fees (total nominal hours of commenced units multiplied by the hourly rate on the learner’s statement of fees).

Download the full copy of our Fees, Charges and Refund Policy and Procedure